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just no

Ya ik mb bro. Sry that a free html browser based fnaf clone on made by a 15 yo isnt up to ur standards. Maybe just get a job and buy the actual game tbh. Respect my g

How do i play? i cant run it on mac whats the file name?

Unfortunately, I don't have a mac, so I haven't tested it on mac. From my knowledge, you should be able to extract the zip file and run "index.html" file. There should be instructs in the download page

Quick question, how are you supposed to open it? I've got a Mac and it's not letting me extract the archive :( This is not the first time I've had this kind of problem

He has a .Zip file that lets you run it, and it saves like normal, Yay!

Whats The .zip file name i cant run it on mac

Are You using the App? Ive always done my stuff in the app (Ease of use) And it just lets you run it, auto does everything basically. So maybe try that? Otherwise I cant help you anymore

but what is the zip file do you kno

Mac Support maybe Please? Seems Like a really good game tho!

Yes, I might release for mac, although i haven't tested it because i don't have one myself. Perhaps you can see if it'll work properly

Just found the game again, downloading it right now, well see once I play it as I have to go do Life stuff (Annoying, I know)

Alright Just got through Night 1, and Holy crap this game is fast paced, 12-3 not a problem, but then foxy becomes active, oh foxy becomes active, and I don't know what you put that guy on, but he is FAST, I swear Id stay off the camera for 5 seconds and he'd be in stage 3 ready to knock me. I ended up just listening for the footsteps more than just checking on him. As for the others, never really delt with them, as chica I only had one encounter with a Bonnie, Im pretty sure just got blocked when I dealt with foxy. As for now, I would nerf the night one animatronics, but so far so good. (Also if the difficulty is there because you have button controls, that makes sense, still though, night 1?)

Yeah that sounds abt right. Glad to see it works ik what you mean about foxy tho lol, might change in a bit

In a way tho I actually found it manageble? See in the original Foxy takes power every time he runs, Starting at 3% per knock and then 5% later on , (If i'm not mistaken) but in this game he doesn't, so really he only takes power by forcing you to shut the door, So i will say if you do nerf foxy you should probably bring back the Power punishment, (P.S just beat night 3, Freddy is a Pain in The Butt, But thats a problem in the main game as well, He's just a Butthole Honestly)

It's good for html, but it could benefit from animation.

I agree. Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit) (-4)


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